In compliance with the duty of information contained in article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we inform you that the website https: //www.basketmon .com (hereinafter, the Website”) is owned by BASKETMON BASKETBALL TOURNAMENTS & SPORT EVENTS, SLU (hereinafter BASKETMON).


BASKETMON is a travel agency specialized in the promotion and organization of sporting events. We organize our own events and we also collaborate in the organization of third-party events, such as preparation stages and sports tours, whether it is a club, a school, or a company related to the sports tourism industry.


These General Conditions may be modified without prior notice, therefore, it is advisable to read their content carefully before proceeding to contract any of the activities and events offered.

The contracting of any of the activities or events entails the full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the General Conditions indicated, without prejudice to the acceptance of the Specific Conditions that may be applicable to the purchase of certain products.

By making a purchase on our website, you guarantee that you are over 18 years of age and that you have the necessary legal capacity to contract.






TRADE NAME:                      BASKETMON

CIF:                                        B-09824988

RESIDENCE :                        Passeig de Dintre, 40 – 3º-B de 17300 BLANES (Girona)





To communicate with us, we offer you different means of contact that we detail below:


Commercial address:             C/Vila de Lloret, 24C – Entresol A de 17300 BLANES (Girona)

Telephone:                              +34 609 609 273





This document regulates the terms and conditions of use of the accessed website and the commercial relationship that arises between BASKETMON and the users who make remote contracts for the activities and events that appear on the website: https:// www. .


Access to the website is free of charge, and use of the website implies unreserved acceptance of all of the Conditions of Use. If you do not agree with these conditions, you must refrain from using this website.


The visit to the e-commerce site by the user must be carried out responsibly and in accordance with current legislation, good faith, these Conditions and respecting the intellectual and industrial property rights owned by BASKETMON or any other natural person or legal.


The use of any of the contents of the website for purposes that are or could be illicit is totally prohibited, as is the performance of any action that causes or may cause damage or alterations of any kind not consented to by BASKETMON, on the site and – commerce or its contents.


The website and the activities and events offered by BASKETMON BASKETBALL TOURNAMENTS & SPORT EVENTS, SLU are aimed at people of any age, but they can only be contracted by people of legal age with sufficient legal capacity to be bound by these Conditions. of Use. It is possible that the use of certain services or the contracting of some activities and events is subject to special complementary conditions that require express consent and that prevail in any case over these general conditions.

All activities and events offered by BASKETMON e-commerce are aimed at end consumers under the terms and conditions provided for by the Retail Trade Law and cannot be sold to third parties.



Without the need to register or make any registration or contract, BASKETMON invites you to take a virtual visit to our website so that you can learn about our activities and events.




You can navigate the website until you find the desired activity, services or event. Once located, by clicking on it you will access all the detailed information offered by the website. From here you can contact the organization, where you will be informed of the services, activities or events to be quoted and how to proceed with the next contract.



At BASKETMON we want to provide you with great convenience when booking or contracting, which is why we offer you different purchasing options:


  • Reserve or contract (without registering). Directly in contact with the organization.
  • Registering In some reservation modalities (in the case of teams or clubs) an e-commerce manager will be assigned with a username and password that you have chosen, you will be able to access your club profile to make the next registrations, reservations or hiring of easier and faster way, in addition to being able to consult the latest orders, your invoices, etc.


Any query or clarification of the reservation or billing will not be made through the application. This information is transmitted via email communication with the organization.


The fact of being registered as a user of the online store is not subject to being subscribed to our newsletter to receive offers and promotions about our activities and events.


In either case and to complete the purchase process, you will be asked for a series of personal information such as: name, surname, email address, shipping address, zip code, city, country, tax identification number and telephone number. contact. These data will have to be true and exact.


You can consult our privacy policy at the following link: .




The person in charge of the club must register the club and the teams that each club registers.


Once registered, each club will make an initial payment of €400.00 on account of the total amount, for each team by bank transfer to the account number that will be provided at the time of registration.


Once the bank transfer is received, BASKETMON will send an e-mail to the club where there will be the link to enter the platform where you must register the coaches and participants of each team of your club. When the club enters the data of the participants, if they are minors, the email address of the participant’s father/mother/guardian must be informed since BASKETMON will send them an email with a link where they will have to give consent to the processing of the minor’s data.


Each team must have a minimum of 8 participants.


There is a promotion of 1 free coach for each team that registers 10 participants or more.

If, before starting the activity, a team of 10 players that has taken advantage of the promotion of 1 free coach suffers any loss and becomes less than 10 players, the club must pay the amount corresponding to the registration of the coach that has been benefited from the promotion.


The rest of the registration fee for clubs, teams and participants must be made no later than 3/1/2024.




Registration will be carried out through the e-commerce of the website .


If you do not want to make any other reservation or contract, you must press the “CONTINUE” button to access the last screen to carry out the payment procedure using the “ORDER WITH PAYMENT OBLIGATION” button to validate it and access the corresponding payment gateway and make the payment.


Within a maximum period of 24 hours from receipt of acceptance, you will receive confirmation of the reservation by e-mail to the email address you have indicated.


Likewise, it is recommended that the client print and/or save a copy on a durable medium of the conditions of sale when making their reservation, as well as the proof of receipt sent by BASKETMON by email.


You should also keep in mind that you can modify your personal data at any time, as well as exercise the rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation and opposition in accordance with LO 3/2018, of December 5, on data protection and of Digital Rights Guarantee (LOPDGDD) and with Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of this data (GDPR).




The acquisition of services or products through BASKETMON allows the following payment methods:


By registration of clubs, teams and participants :


  • By Bank transfer.
    • When paying by bank transfer, once the order is confirmed, you will receive all the information necessary to make the transfer . The order will be validated when the deposit is confirmed in our bank account. The transfer must be made in Euros (€).


By registration of companions via website :


  • By VISA credit/debit card or MASTERCARD (Redsys secure e-commerce platform).


These data will not be saved or manipulated by BASKETMON, but will be registered directly in the payment gateway of the corresponding financial institution or payment platform. For greater security, we use a Secure Electronic Commerce authentication service established by Visa/Mastercard so the user is authenticated before their issuing entity and the business is authenticated before their acquiring bank.


In order to guarantee the confidentiality and integrity of transactions, these are carried out through the SSL (Secura Socket Layer ) protocol with 128-bit security keys.


In the event that the charge cannot be carried out (for any reason), the order will be automatically cancelled.


If you have any questions regarding payment methods, you can contact us without any obligation.





The prices of the activities and events are those indicated in the description attached to them. All prices indicated in the product description are expressed in Euro currency (€) and include Value Added Tax (VAT).


In accordance with current legislation, any contract or reservation made from our website will be subject to value added tax. The applicable rate will be the one legally in force at all times.


The price of the reservation or contract will be calculated automatically at the time of making it.


Prices may change at any time. However, possible changes will not affect the activities and events for which BASKETMON has already confirmed the reservation.




In compliance with art. 63.3 of RDL 1/2007, of November 16, (LGDCU) the user can request the invoice in paper format.


If the user wants invoices to be sent in electronic format, they will need to contact the BASKETMON user service to give their express consent and where the form for receiving the electronic invoice will be needed. The user who has chosen this option may, at any time, revoke this consent in writing addressed to the e-mail indicating in it “invoice revocation in electronic format” and for future purchases, if requested by tender, will receive invoices in paper format that will be sent by postal mail.




In compliance with Law 3/2014, of March 27, which modifies the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16 (LGDCU), BASKETMON informs you that the CUSTOMER has the possibility of withdrawing from the purchase without the need for justification within a maximum period of fourteen (14) calendar days from the contracting of the activity or event.


It will NOT be possible to exercise the right of withdrawal based on the exceptions provided for in article 103 of RDL 1/2007, of November 16 (LGDCU ) : The right of withdrawal will not be applicable to contracts that refer to:


  • the provision of services, once the service has been completely executed, when the execution has begun, prior express consent of the consumer and user and with the recognition on their part that they are aware that, once the contract has been completely executed by the employer, he will have lost his right to dismiss.
  • The provision of accommodation services for purposes other than housing, transportation of goods, vehicle rental, food or services related to recreational activities, if the contracts provide for a specific date or period of performance.


The right to reject implies that BASKETMON will proceed to refund the amount already paid by the client within a maximum period of 14 calendar days, the same procedure chosen by the client for their payment (provided that the product purchased or the activity or event contracted is not within the exceptions indicated above).

During this period, the consumer will inform the businessman of his decision to withdraw from the contract by filling out a form found in the “ withdrawal form ” section at the bottom of the website or in ANNEX I- at the end of the same document and sending it to the BASKETMON email address.

Once the fourteen (14) calendar day period has expired, BASKETMON will not accept returns due to withdrawal.






Teams must make a pre-registration payment of €400.00 to guarantee their place. This amount will be deducted from the final amount to be paid.

The rest must be settled before 3/1/2024.

This amount is to guarantee your place and will not be returned. Team changes will only be allowed, with prior acceptance by the organization, up to 60 days before the start of the tournament.

Teams agree to register a minimum of 8 players per team. If there are less than 8 players, authorization from the organization is necessary.

If 10 or more participants per team register, there is a promotion to register one free coach per team. If before starting the activity any of these beneficiary teams of this promotion have any withdrawal and there are less than 10 participants, the coach who enjoyed the promotion must make the payment before the date of 3/1/2024.

Team registrations are carried out by the clubs/teams. Any cancellation and/or return management will be managed solely between the club/team and the organization.

For these purposes and to manage changes or refunds quickly and easily, you must contact BASKETMON by email and/or by phone at +34 609 609 273.




Participant registrations are managed by the clubs/teams/coaches/individuals to which they belong.

Any cancellation and/or return of participants must be managed between the club/teams/coaches/referent person to whom they belong and the organization.

The deadline to make payment for participant registrations is 03/01/24.


Registrations from 03/01/24

Any new registration from that date must be authorized by the organization. And in the event that the team to which the new registrations belong benefits from any promotion, new registrations after 03/01/24 will not be able to benefit from the same promotions as those registered until the same date.


Cancellations from 03/01/24:

In the event that there is any withdrawal of a registered participant, the organization will refund 100% of the amount up to 10 days before the start of the tournament. (as long as the team from which the loss occurred is not left with less than 8 players and does not alter the conditions so that the team benefits from any promotion. EX: 1 free coach for every 10 players). Unless it is due to demonstrable force majeure.

If the withdrawal occurs between 10 and 3 days before the start of the tournament, the organization will return 100% of the amount except €20, which will be used to cover expenses generated by the withdrawal: insurance, tournament t-shirt, etc. _ (as long as the team that has been dropped does not have less than 8 players and does not alter the conditions for the team to benefit from any promotion. EX: 1 free coach for every 10 players). Unless it is due to demonstrable force majeure (*).


If the withdrawal occurs within 72 hours prior to the start of the tournament, the organization will return 50% of the registration fee for the withdrawal except €20, which will be used to cover expenses generated by the withdrawal: insurance, tournament t-shirt , etc . (as long as the team from which the loss occurred is not left with less than 8 players and does not alter the conditions so that the team benefits from any promotion. EX: 1 free coach for every 10 players). Unless it is due to demonstrable force majeure(*).

For these purposes and to manage changes or refunds quickly and easily, you must contact BASKETMON by email and/or by phone at +34 609 609 273.




Once the reservation has been contracted, no refunds of 100% of the amount will be made , except for reasons of force majeure (*) duly justified.


In the event that you wish to cancel the reservation, if you inform fifteen days before the start date of the activity or event, BASKETMON will refund 80% of the total amount of the reservation. If notified later than the indicated period, no amount will be refunded.


If the situation arises that any of the companions could not attend the activity or event, BASKETMON would accept a change of companion, giving notice three days before the date of entry to the activity or event, given that many of the athletes are minors. old.


For these purposes and to manage changes or refunds quickly and easily, you must contact BASKETMON by email and/or by phone at +34 609 609 273.


(*) force majeure: Force majeure will not be considered if there are not enough players to participate.




In the event that a refund must be made, BASKETMON will manage the refund of the amount paid through the same payment system used by the CUSTOMER within a period of no more than 14 calendar days from the confirmation of acceptance of the same by BASKETMON.



At an informative and contractual level, the language of communication will be the one selected, Catalan, Spanish, English or French.

(According to sole article 28 of Law 3/2014, of March 27, which modifies article 98 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approved the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws Article 98. Formal requirements for distance contracts 1. In distance contracts, the entrepreneur will provide the consumer and user, in the language used in the contracting proposal or, in the language chosen for hiring, and at least in Spanish).


Translations into different languages are only carried out for commercial reasons and convenience for compliance with the right to information according to article 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679, of April 27, 2016 (RGPD) and article 11 of the Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, 2018 (LOPDGDD). In the event of divergence or incompatibility between the different language versions and the Spanish version of these general conditions of sale and use, the Spanish version will prevail.



To file any complaint or claim with BASKETMON, the client must contact the user service either at the telephone number +34 609 609 273 or by email sending it to the email address .


According to the EU Online Consumer Dispute Resolution and in accordance with art. 14.1 of Regulation (EU) 524/2013, we inform you that the European Commission provides all consumers with an online dispute resolution platform that is available at the following link: /odr / .





These conditions are governed in accordance with Spanish legislation. BASKETMON and the user agree to submit any disputes that may arise in relation to the contracting of products or services that are the subject of these General Conditions, to the Courts and Tribunals of the User’s domicile.




If any clause included in these Conditions is declared totally or partially, null or ineffective, this nullity or ineffectiveness will only affect this provision, these General Conditions subsisting in everything else, with such provision being considered not included.


If any of these conditions were declared invalid, void or for any reason ineffective, this condition would be understood to be excluded without said declaration affecting the validity or enforceability of the rest of the conditions.

In case of partial nullity, the other clauses will remain in force and will be interpreted taking into account the will of the parties and the purpose of these Conditions of Sale.

The non-exercise by BASKETMON of any right derived from these Conditions of Sale will not be interpreted as a waiver of this right, unless expressly waived in writing by BASKETMON or prescription of the action that corresponds in each case.



The right is reserved to make changes at any time to the website, policies, terms and conditions, including these Conditions of Sale.

The CUSTOMER will be subject to the terms, conditions and policies in force at the time of placing the order unless, by law or at the request of public authorities , a change is made to them that must be applicable to any order previously placed.